Wow, It only keeps getting better! The same place - double tree at Berkeley Marina. But every year we walk in and mix with a new set of people joining the Haas family it feels like we have touched a new level of excitement.
Student services and career services workshops : Its amazing how they consistently keep the presentation top notch. Both were great events to kick start the orientation in high gear.
One Haas presentation: MBA could be full-time, part time or executive. But the brand is one. A cool presentation with student volunteers sharing their valuable insights.
Cohort introduction and student life panel: For the first time the groups broke into cohorts to get to know the gang that they would be spending the rest of the year much more closely. Ice breakers brought out some individuals with really special talents and unique experiences. Thanks to the students panel volunteers who shared their insights and aided the newcomers with tips on tackling the EWMBA challenge.
Dinner: The nice menu apart, Dave had the elegant speech rallying the incoming class to get out of the comfort zone and make the best of the program. The alumni speaker Sangeeta broken it down in her 7 step strategy to a successful MBA program. Excellent speech.
After party: Should I even write about this?
Great start to another great year at Haas.